Do you want to have an SEO Expert help you with your website but don’t want to sign up for a full blown campaign?
An SEO Audit might be what you are looking for.
What Is A SEO Audit?
An SEO audit is an in depth review of your website with the primary goal being:
- To find and address any technical, structure and on page SEO issues with your site
- Look for opportunities you can implement to help you increase your rank and traffic
- Create an actionable list of tasks to help your sites organic web presence
- Analyze your content strategy
- Make sure you have no potential off-site issues
- End Result = Increase Your Traffic, Rank and Crush your competition

What is an SEO Competitor audit?
A competitor audit is an indepth look at what your competition to see what they are doing that is working for them and what they are doing that is not helping their web presence.
Our goal is to research your competitors and learn what is working for them – with our primary goal to be do what they are doing…Just do it better!

What Is Included in an SEO Audit:
Each SEO Audit will vary slightly because every site is unique. At Think Big – our experts analyze over 197 different elements on your website.
- Home Page User Experience
- Calls To Actions
- Duplicate Versions of your site
- Title / meta tag optimization
- Breadcrumbs
- Optimized body content
- Duplicate content
- Image alt tags
- Blog implementation and optimization
- Off site link building
- URL structure
- Pixels and tracking installed properly
- Page speed
- 404 Pages
- Open Graph
- XML Sitemap
- Robots files
- Structured data
- Mobile Friendly
- Search Console issues
- SSL errors
- Canonical URLs
- Broken links
- Outbound links
- Privacy policies
- HTML sitemap
- Clickable phone #
- Favicon
- Local Business listings
The information analyzed during the auditing process lets us create a custom strategy for you and your business. We can either help with the implementation or help your team implement the strategy.
What Should You Look For When
Hiring An SEO For An SEO Audit:
Generally, you want to look for someone that does their SEO Audits manually. They learn your business goals, analyze your website and create a strategy that can help you accomplish your goals.
You want someone that is going to think and strategize to help your business.

What don’t you want for an SEO Audit:
Generic software generated audits are ok, if you don’t have to pay for them.
We have one here that you can use for FREE.
Whats Your SEO Score?
Enter the URL of any landing page or blog article and see how optimized it is for one keyword or phrase.
If you are paying for an SEO audit – you want to make sure you are working with someone that is going to learn about your business and goals, think about ways you can grow your business and help you achieve the best results.
The Think Big Difference:
The team at Think Big has a different approach to SEO audits than a lot of other firms and freelancers.
Call us for a free estimate for an SEO audit for your business