Do you feel like your website is optimized for SEO?

Want to see how your website stacks up in the SEO department?

If you’re like most business owners, you probably have no idea whether your website is SEO optimized or not.

And to be honest, that’s not an uncommon occurrence. SEO can be quite complex and if you aren’t sure what to look for, it can be quite daunting to even think about.

However, there ARE some simple solutions that only take a few minutes to fix to make sure your website set up to rank for your main keywords at the very least.

We designed this audit to evaluate your website at the technical level for your main keyword. By evaluating your website, you will be given a report with plenty of tips you can use to get started on your SEO strategy.

We always encourage people to run this quick test to ensure:

You aren’t telling Google not to index your site using a “noindex” tag
Your page loading speed isn’t crushing your rankings
Your site has no major penalties prevent you from ranking in the search engines

Once you get the results for your site, you will have a good direction of where you can get started on your SEO strategy.

All you have to do is fill in the information below and an email will be sent immediately with your results.

Whats Your SEO Score?

Enter the URL of any landing page or blog article and see how optimized it is for one keyword or phrase.

Why would I need an SEO audit?

SEO audits are used to analyze and evaluate your website’s SEO performance. They are designed to alert you toward issues preventing your website from ranking in search engines. But more importantly they offer strategy toward getting more people to your website.

Whether you just submitted for your free SEO report above or are considering a full in-depth comprehensive SEO audit, they are an excellent way to ensure you are doing everything you can to bring as many people to your website as possible.

What does your full in-depth comprehensive SEO audit include?

– Crawling & Indexing

This is the very first thing we check. We analyze and test your website to ensure that Google is indeed able to actually crawl and index your website (see and display your pages in the search engine). It’s very important that your website be optimized in a way that Google can not only see your pages, but also to make sure no pages are being blocked.

– Competitor Research

It is paramount when analyzing your own site to compare it with your competition. Unless you are in the #1 position in your industry, there are plenty of things to learn from them (and implement yourself).

We perform research to determine exactly which keywords you biggest competitors are targeting, why they are ranking above you, then offering you the strategies they’re using so you can understand how to outperform and outrank them.

This research includes competitor keywords, search traffic, domain authority, root domains, and the estimated search value (how much $$ a keyword pulls in).

Putting your website side by side with your competition reveals strategies you can use to turn the tides in your favor.

– Accessibility

This doesn’t happen often, but we have had more client than we’d like who have had websites with pages that visitors (and Google) couldn’t see. We make sure your website isn’t suffering from slow load times, 404 errors, and fatal server errors.

– Link Analysis

Relevant links result in higher ranking in Google search results. What this means is that the more links your website has coming to it, the more “votes” it has in Google’s eyes. The more votes your website has, the more relevant Google sees it which results in higher rankings. Do you track the websites linking into your own? Our audit evaluates and analyzes how your website performs in this department.

– Keyword Analysis

This is a big one. It can mean the difference between 10 visitors per month and thousands. If you are looking to rank for a specific keyword in your industry niche, how do you know which keywords will bring the most people to your site?

Through keyword research, we are able to analyze exactly how many people are searching ALL the keywords relevant to your industry. Once we have a list of the most searched keywords people are searching to find your products or services, you can then optimize your website for those keywords.

Basically, instead of randomly putting content on your website and hoping people find it, the research data shows us exactly what your target audience is searching so you can place your content directly in front of them.

– Content Evaluation

When performing an SEO audit, content is a major player in whether a website does well or not. By analyzing the quality of the content on your website, you can determine what you should do more of and what to do less.

How do you typically analyze which content on your is doing well?

Do you monitor which blog posts or pages are driving most of your web traffic? What makes your best pages outperform the others? Analyzing the data gives us a clear vision for the strategy you should take when creating content on your site.

– On-page Optimization

Optimizing a web page means adding technical content like header tags, ALT tags, title tags, meta description, optimizing URLs and a ton more. Not only do we want the content on your website to be 100% inviting and engaging to your visitors, but we also want to make sure it 100% understandable by Google.

– Site Architecture & Design

With the number of people visiting websites from their mobile devices now, website owners now have to focus on whether their website is mobile friendly and simple to navigate on mobile devices.

By optimizing your website for mobile devices with proper URL structure and SEO optimization, you are putting yourself one step ahead of the competition. Just this year, Google has switched from evaluating website based on their desktop views to now using mobile view. We want to make sure you’re ahead of the competition and your website has every opportunity to climb the rankings.

Is A Comprehensive SEO Audit Right For Your Business?

We will be upfront and state that a comprehensive audit is NOT for everyone. We take pride in that we do not offer services to people who will be unable to implement the fixes and strategies we find when evaluating a website.

What does this mean for you?

If your website falls currently bring in no revenue and does not have regular monthly traffic, it is probably best for you to start with the free audit tool above and explore our SEO blogs to get started.

If you feel you are ready to explore the next step in your digital marketing strategy, our full in-depth SEO audit takes 5-10 hours where we analyze your entire website with a fine tooth comb.

Our comprehensive audit is done 100% with zero automated tools. We know many people have gotten burnt paying money for SEO audits only to have a generic reports spit back at them that don’t include actionable strategies to implement quickly.

These audits irritate us just as much as you (if not more), so we ensure that you will find more than enough value in our in-depth SEO audits.

To be honest, our SEO audits are the service we are most proud of and it is where our SEO, web development, and digital marketing experience give us an unfair opportunity to outdo other SEO agencies.

We’re quite confident in the quality of our SEO audits. We we will offer a money back if you are not satisfied with the strategies we provide for your business.

If you are interested in taking the next step for your business, please call 412-945-0153 to set up a free 30-minute consultation, fill out our contact form, or reach out to use on social media below.

We look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to see how we can help your busines