September 1, 2020 /
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Much of the time, search engine optimization works similarly for a variety of platforms and web pages. However, when it comes to WordPress, there are several things to consider and work on to receive the highest SEO ranking possible. WordPress as a platform often comes with various tools and plugins that users can take advantage of in order to improve SEO rankings and make SEO compliance easier. Take a look at the methods you can use to improve your WordPress site’s SEO ranking.

Pay Attention To Site Structure

Search engines give the highest site-wide rankings to the pages that are listed in a site’s navigation bar, being that these pages are linked from every other page on a certain site. This means that when a site displays a handful of useful internal links, it is seen as a source of organized content.

Keep in mind that it’s important to have only a certain number of pages listed in your navigation bar, typically between 5 and 15. This way, your navigation bar will not appear to be too empty or too busy. With just the right amount of working navigation links listed on clean, organized pages, SEO rankings on your site are sure to climb. In addition, this number of choices will engage your visitors without overwhelming them.

WordPress seo

Organization and Speed

Along with a neat navigation bar, it’s also important to keep website content organized in a clear, concise manner. Categorize your information, check internal links and backlinks to ensure that they’re in working order, and continuously monitor your site’s speed. This way, you can offer visitors a streamlined user experience.

Aesthetic Value

In addition to ensuring that your website is in great working order, you’ll want to see that your pages are easy on the eyes. Having a professional appearance and pleasant user-feel is going to greatly improve the odds of visitors staying on your site. Pay attention to color schemes versus text colors, highlight colors, and overall layout. Avoid choosing colors that make text difficult to see.

Take Advantage of WordPress SEO Plugins

Before determining which SEO plugins to use on a WordPress site, it’s worth noting that there are A LOT of SEO features and plugins to choose from. Because of this, it’s worth conducting research to determine which plugins and features are going to fit your site’s needs. Depending on which templates you’re using or what your SEO goals are, you might benefit from using one or several of the following SEO tools.

Consider Content Length

While it’s important to consider content length, it should not take precedence over quality. In order for content to receive high SEO ranking, it must provide value to visitors who are absorbing it. Often, 2,000+ word items receive the highest content ranking, however that is not always the case. Short content can receive higher rankings if the content is of good quality. 

To determine ways to settle on content length based on the subject matter you’re planning to cover, you can take the following steps.

  • Take a look at other top-ranking content that utilizes the keywords you’re planning to use. Give the content a quick examination and note the lengths of the different pieces you read. Averaging this length for your content is ideal.
  • Keep your promises. If you’re offering your viewers a quick lesson about a certain topic, make it quick. Don’t lure your audience in with the promise of an easy-to-digest piece and then blindside them with a novel’s worth of information. 
  • Gauge your own writing style. If you can explain a topic without investing as many words as another writer, do so. If you feel that the information you’re reading has left out key pieces of information, create a longer piece. Do anything you need to do to produce high-quality content.

Use Keywords in the Right Places

Search engines view keywording the same way on WordPress sites as they do for various other pages. This means that it’s in your best interest to strategize your keyword use. For example, include keywords in your article’s title, headings, meta descriptions, image alt text, and throughout the body of your content. Though keyword use is important, do not force words in or overstuff keywords into your content. A good rule of thumb is to have your keywords take up 1-2% of your content.

Fortunately, SEO ranking has evolved over time and the focus is continually centered on site quality. Because of this, WordPress site users can improve their ranks among search engine listings simply by striving to create great content on a well-designed site.