
Video Content for Business Growth

Businesses are constantly trying to find new ways to increase their traffic and earn new customers. While there are plenty of ways to do so, few methods are easier or yield better results than the creation of video content. Adding videos to a company’s pages is not only beneficial for established customers, but it is also SEO friendly and makes it easier to connect with new leads.

Using Videos for Business Growth

Video content marketing is one of the most rewarding ways to connect with your customer base. Not only is a video quick and easy to digest, but having video content on your web pages increases traffic to your site. Due to the fact that search engine algorithms tend to prefer sites with video content and customers tend to prefer quick, easy information, it’s a no-brainer that video is the way to go. 

More and more often, customers do not have the time to invest in sitting down to read long-winded blog posts or tutorials during their busy schedules. However, most people have a few minutes out of their day that they can put aside to absorb video content. A video will give the customer the information they need in a way that’s easy to remember, and does not require a significant investment of their time. 

For this reason, businesses everywhere have started relaying information through this medium. If you’d like your business to continue growing, creating business-related videos might be your next logical step.

Why Your Company Needs Video Marketing

Unlike written content, videos tend to grab your audience’s attention immediately, which means that they’re likely going to watch your video to completion. With text, a reader may or may not push through the initial slowness of the article and read all the way through, but with a video, there is far less obligation to study the information presented. Videos are usually straightforward, engaging, and able to convey important information in a short period. 

If you’d like to offer information about your products, tutorials, reviews, or general field knowledge, a video is the most beneficial way to do it. Not only are customers going to appreciate the visual addition to their learning, but search engines are also going to see your site as more valuable to consumers. In a massive way, you’re helping out your own business by implementing video content into your marketing strategy.

Creating Video Content

If you’re interested in creating videos, you may not have taken the next step because you’re not sure what topics to focus on or how to go about producing high-quality content. Fortunately, video creation sounds more difficult than it is in most cases.

If you’re planning on making simple instructional videos, using your smartphone’s camera will work most of the time. Make sure that the video quality is clear and when it comes to editing, choose one of many free or low-cost editing programs to make your audio and video quality its very best. 

When it comes to subjects you’d like to cover, the sky is the limit. You can choose to create demos and tutorials, customer testimonials, informational videos based on blog content you’ve already created, training videos, comprehensive lists, and webinars. 

To begin, have your intent clearly outlined, and then create a script for the video you plan to make. This way, you’ll have a defined message and won’t get stuck rambling. Ensure that your camera is positioned correctly, you’re in ideal lighting, and your area is otherwise quiet. With these preparations, simple editing will help you create high-quality content.

Video Content Statistics

Did you know that over 90% of consumers retain information that they’ve seen in a video while only 10% of consumers retain the information they’ve read?

This might be a key reason why companies who choose to use video content marketing in their strategies experience more than a 40% increase in traffic through web searches when compared with companies that do not have any video content on their pages. Such a simple addition not only makes companies more visible to search engines and customers, but it also makes decision-making much easier.

90% of customers claim products that include video content in their listings make an impression on them and directly impact the buying decisions that they make. 

Like photo galleries in the past, video content is the wave of the future when it comes to strong marketing strategies. It’s important to pay close attention to what your customers prefer and because a video is such an easy piece of media to consume, it’s in every company’s best interest to utilize video content.

If you’re trying to convert new leads, gain new customers, and keep your existing customers interested in your products and services, creating video content is a terrific option to consider. 


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