May 7, 2018 /
Brad D /

Does keeping up with Google’s algorithm make your head spin? Wondering whether Google artificial intelligence will change the way the search engines work?

Well, you’re not alone.

As search engine algorithm becomes more sophisticated, high-quality content that is relevant and engaging has surpassed quantity or keywords as the determining factor in SEO ranking.

In short, SEO and content marketing is converging – which is good news for content marketers.

However, in order to generate actionable insights to inform the creation of compelling content that speaks to your target audience and drive high-quality traffic, you need to consider many factors and analyze a large amount of data.

How do you make sense of them?

Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone… wrangling spreadsheets and crunching numbers.

Google Artificial Intelligence is Changing Marketing

The use of AI-driven technologies, such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing (NLP) has changed how marketers approach content optimization.

Ready to up your SEO game? Here’s how you can leverage machine learning and Google artificial intelligence to improve your ranking:

Analyze Headlines To Increase Click-through Rate

Most searchers decide whether to click on a link by reading the headline on the search results page.

An effective headline needs to do more than driving traffic to your website. It has to attract the right audience since they’d spend more time interacting with your content, which will result in longer dwell time.

Google artificial intelligence interprets dwell time as a sign of relevancy, which will, in turn, boost your ranking.

Writing and testing a lot of headline options can be a challenging task even for the most seasoned SEO expert.

With tools driven by AI and machine learning, such as Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer, you can analyze and optimize headlines to increase click-through rate with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Using Google Artificial Intelligence to Up Your SEO - Headline Analyzer

Improve Keyword Research For Relevant Content

As the Google artificial intelligence algorithm evolves, you need to do more than identifying a handful of keywords and working them into your content.

Increasingly, search engines are taking into account user intent, relevancy, and LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords when ranking websites.

As such, keyword research can turn into a complex and labor-intensive undertaking.

Twinword is an AI-powered keyword research tool that helps identify the most relevant keywords based on a variety of criteria so you can create SEO-friendly content.

It has features that filter keywords, identify trending topics, and mind map semantically related keywords to help you efficiently optimize your content.

Using Google Artificial Intelligence to Up Your SEO - Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords

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Augment Content Quality and Relevancy To Increase Engagement

Driving traffic is great but if visitors don’t stick around, the high bounce rate could negatively impact the SEO ranking of your website.

Posting relevant, high-quality, and well-written content helps increase engagement and improve dwell time.

Not to mention, it reflects a level of professionalism that’ll build trust and attract backlinks.

There are many tools you can use to help improve the quality of your content:

  • Grammarly not only checks your spelling but also catches obscure mistakes that word processors won’t pick up.
  • The Hemmingway App uses natural language processing (NLP) to help you polish your writing and improve its readability.
  • Acrolinx uses AI to analyze content and generates a “scorecard” to show insights about your content quality.
  • Clearscope analyzes top Google results based on selected keywords and give you ideas on how to create content to compete with them.
  • Narrative Science uses Natural Language Generation (NLG) technology to deliver unique experiences by creating multiple versions of the same content based on audience segmentation to increase each piece’s relevancy.

Use Data Analytics To Identify Popular Topics

AI-powered technologies can process a large amount of data and recognize emerging patterns.

By analyzing customer information and data from all over the web, you can gain insights on trending topics amongst your target audience and leverage this information to create relevant content that they’d search for and engage with.

Such insights can help you stay ahead of your competition and be the first to produce the most relevant content so you can rank higher in search results.

You can also use analytic tools to spy on your competitors and figure out what works and what doesn’t before producing your own content.

There are many data analytics tools designed for content marketers with different features to meet a variety of needs:

Crimson Hexagon uses AI to build analytic studies around your target audience so you can better understand key trends in their affinities, conversations, and behaviors.

Crayon tracks your competitors’ websites in real-time, analyzes more than 100 different types of online data from seven million sources, and uses AI to extract actionable insights.

Using Google Artificial Intelligence to Up Your SEO - Content Categories

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Leverage Attribution Analysis To Match Customer Lifecycle

Content marketing often involves multiple interactions with prospects before a conversion event takes place.

As such, an effective strategy requires the development of content that speaks to the needs of your audience at the various stages of their customer journey.

Using Google Artificial Intelligence to Up Your SEO - Keyword Research Strategy

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It’s therefore important to understand how your audience interacts with each piece of content at different phases so you can understand what works and what doesn’t through attribution analysis.

AI-driven attribution analytic tools provide insights on the role organic search plays, as both an assist and direct acquisition channel.

They’ll help you understand consumer behaviors at each stage of the customer lifecycle so you can create the most relevant content and optimize it for the right keywords and intent.

DemandJump has a prescriptive attribution function that uses AI to analyze user behaviors and offer insights on how to create the most effective content for each phase of the customer journey.

Create Dynamic Landing Pages For a Seamless User Experience

If you use specific keywords for different target audiences, you can send each segment to a dedicated landing page featuring content that’s coherent with the search terms to create a seamless user experience.

This will help you deliver the most relevant content to your website visitors, increasing dwell time and conversion rate – which also signal relevancy to search engines.

You can now use AI-driven technologies to enhance your segmentation strategy and create dynamic landing pages tailored to each visitor’s interest, context, browsing history, device, location, and traffic source etc.

Using Google Artificial Intelligence to Up Your SEO - AI Segmentation Strategy

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Unbounce is a landing page creator that has a dynamic text replacement function that helps you increase the relevancy of your landing page by dynamically showing content that matches search terms used by visitors.

Keep Content Fresh And Relevant With Automation

AI-driven technologies can help automate part of your content creation tasks so you can populate your website with relevant and up-to-date information that signals relevancy to search engines and helps improve the site’s SEO ranking.

Even though AI won’t be writing all your content (yet) – especially pieces with unique insights that aims to position your brand as the thought leader or subject matter expert – you can use content automation technologies to facilitate the production of template-based content, such as product information.

Automated Insights uses Natural Language Generation (NLG) to convert data into meaningful narratives. All you need to do is to create a template and input the data, then the application will turn the information into user-friendly content.

Selecting the Right Technologies For Your Content Marketing

With the help of AI-driven technologies, it’s now easier than ever to gain insights for creating high-quality, relevant content and deliver it to the right people in the right place at the right time.

Often times, the challenge is to figure out which applications to use.

Before you get too excited and start piling new tools onto your marketing stack, see if the platforms that you’re already using have plans to incorporate AI into their product roadmaps.

This will help you consolidate as many functions into as few platforms as possible to avoid inefficiencies caused by errors and confusion.

Of course, effective SEO starts with a sound marketing strategy. See how you can drive more high-quality traffic with our SEO consulting service.