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Top 6 Tips for Writing Engaging Emails Your Customers Will Want to Open

The advancement of technology has come a long way for millennials and generation z. As new age thinkers and doers, people tend to have a new way of scanning through their emails and determining whether they are valuable or not.

Valuable in the sense that “Do I need to open this?” and “What do I get out of opening this email?”

That’s right, in today’s day and age it truly is all about the individual and what can benefit them.

So, how do you make your emails enticing enough for customers and clients to open? How to write business email and avoid the email click through rate?

Well, you put something open-worthy inside, of course!

Start with an attention-grabbing subject line.

If you can include significant and important information in a short phrase in the subject line of the email the recipient automatically knows whether or not it’s something they’re going to be interested in.

If there’s a change to your product, something new on your website, or even a sale (everyone loves those), then make sure you to spin the subject line in your favor with some keywords about what’s going on.

The more specific and meaningful your subject line is, the more likely customers are going to open it up and at the very least, scroll through it to see what’s exactly important.

You can do this by using power words. Sensory words draw attention and when combined with information ultimately make your subject lines stand out in an email inbox.

Stay focused on the content of the email.

When determining how to write business email, it is imperative you stay focused on the content of the email. No one wants to read an email that is three to four paragraphs long that goes off on a tangent. Especially if it is something that could have been summed up in a few neat lines or a paragraph.

When you go into the content of your email, make sure you know your purpose and begin there. There really is no sense in starting anywhere else but at the beginning when it comes to business and professional meetings.

People are constantly on the go and likely don’t have much time to read through the formalities—so it’s best to get right to the point, professionally, of course, and do so quickly.

Avoid the chances of your recipient only responding or reading half the message by organizing your email with numbers, bullets, or points. This ensures the reader will take away all the information they need from the email.

Writing fast creates enthusiasm and a rush. If your writing doesn’t read in a fast-paced manner, the recipient won’t be as amped up about the message as you want them to be. So, write it, and write it fast!

Write to your audience (and not just a faceless nameless one).

Knowing your target audience is essential, even when learning how to write business email. You want to make sure you know who you’re writing to and who you’re writing for.

Reading impersonal emails gets old and repetitive. This repetition makes it easy to delete emails before even opening them quickly.

Therefore, don’t do this to your clients. Write to them like they are the people you personally know because you should realistically know the audience you’re reaching out to, and what kinds of things they’re interested in, after all, they are your clients.

And one way you can reach them is to use the word you. It’s personal and captivating.

Save yourself from an email disaster and avoid attachments.

The email click through rate is important in determining the engagement of your audience. So, you want to make sure you avoid depleting engagement with pesky attachments.

When that paperclip symbol pops up on the email in the inbox, before it is even read, a recipient sighs, maybe even lets out a groan.

An attachment often means more work, more reading, an advertisement, or something that is going to take up more time than if you just copy and paste or paraphrase the crucial aspects into the body of the email.

Proofread and then go back and proofread one more time.

There is nothing that will ensure your readers will stop reading more than spelling and punctuation errors. We know everyone isn’t a top grammarian, but it isn’t hard to make sure you’re using the correct punctuation and spelling.

So, to avoid looking foolish for spelling a trivial word wrong, go back and proofread. Once you think you’re done proofreading, go back and read through it one more time.

If you want to make sure it sounds exceptionally great, read it out loud. You’ll be sure to catch any blips or hiccups with the wording if you do this.

Proofreading ensures the email click through rate won’t go down because your reader stopped due to a typo or error.

Put yourself and your reputation on the line.

When learning how to write business email, something you can try is putting yourself on the line. To help with that email click through rate, you can try using your personal name as the from address on the email rather than a larger corporation or business name.

People are more likely to open the email if you’re putting yourself out there and making yourself known. It shows you aren’t afraid and you’ve got something worth reading to say.

It’s inspiring to get a direct email written from the heart of the company or the brand about something imperative, especially if it involves a change or an upgrade.

So stop being cold and distant from your email recipients, speak to them on a personal level.

Give them something worth reading. Think about your audience and what they like, what your likes are, and what your email inbox looks like.

What most interests you when your inbox gets flooded with emails? Because remember, you’re human too, and you are a small part of your audience. If you can put yourself in their shoes, maybe you’ll be able to speak to them on a more intriguing level.

If you’re just starting out learning how to write business email, use the suggestions above to get and gather effective and efficient email click through rate.


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