SEO Tips

Tips for Better Real Estate SEO

Search engine optimization is not an easy process to perfect, especially due to the fact that search engines frequently change and update their guidelines. However, SEO is one of the most important factors to consider when it comes to online businesses increasing their company’s visibility and attracting new clients.

Though SEO requirements and metrics change from time to time, it’s important to stay up to speed and continuously adapt content to where it fits the needs of viewers exploring real estate web pages. To improve SEO rankings, it’s a good idea to follow several basic SEO-related steps that experts advise in order to improve an investor’s visibility.

How To Improve SEO As a Real Estate Investor

For any real estate professional who wants to stand out above their competition, especially in competitive markets, it’s crucial to have a bulletproof SEO plan. Because real estate investors all over the country are competing for client visibility, it is in a company’s best interest to take every imaginable measure in order to ensure that their web pages reach the top of search engine results, and serve the purpose of providing engaging, helpful information to every visitor.

Utilize Proper Keywords

Keyword use is perhaps the most crucial aspect of search engine success. Potential clients are going to key certain words into their search engines and it’s up to real estate investors to ensure that the keywords searched will match with the keywords used on the investing company’s web pages.

To get higher search engine rankings, it’s important to be aware of which terms are commonly being searched and which terms connect closest to real estate investing.

Fortunately, it isn’t all guesswork, because there are several search engine keyword tools available to help narrow down the choices a business could use in their content. Try using Google’s Keyword Planner, Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, or SEM Rush for keyword assistance.

When utilizing chosen keywords, be sure to add them in a web page’s content, image tags, meta descriptions, URLs, and page titles. Avoid overstuffing content, though, and ensure that information presented sounds organic. 1-2% keyword content is a good rule of thumb.

Mobile Optimization

Consider the fact that a lot of potential clients are going to be searching for information using mobile devices, so it’s important to optimize web content for mobile devices. Making sure that investor pages display properly on smartphones and tablets can be an excellent move when it comes to improving company visibility and attracting more clients.

Clear, Concise Content

Frequently publishing high-quality content is another important part of attracting new clients to investor sites. Each piece of information needs to be valuable and engaging, especially when trying to attract homeowners looking to sell. Because real estate is typically a serious transaction topic, site visitors typically do not want to sift through distracting fluff pieces while trying to find helpful information.

For this reason, it’s inadvisable to publish content that exists for no other reason than to use popular keywords as many times as possible. Treat every site visitor as a potential client and present them with information that is going to encourage them to stay on the site longer and seek even more content.

Social Media Presence

One of the best ways to carve out a niche as a reputable, engaging real estate investor is to take advantage of social media’s reach. Develop a social media presence on a variety of different platforms. Create an account on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and use these mediums to post interesting content on a regular basis. In addition, social media accounts can be used to share original content published on other platforms. For example, blog posts, videos, and educational information can be linked to an audience via social media.

Speed Optimization

It should go without saying that every internet user wants to surf web pages that load quickly and make information easy to locate. Real estate investing sites are quite obviously included in this preference, so it’s in an investor’s best interest to have a fast, interactive website waiting for potential clients to explore.

Optimize business pages for speed and interactivity so that visitors are instantly able to find the information they need. A slow website means a missed opportunity.

Video Content

Not only do search engines recommend web pages that host or link to video content, but site viewers tend to engage with videos related to the subject matter they’re searching for. Typically, it’s easier and more interesting for audiences to absorb information through video format than it is to read long-form blog posts, so having supplementary video content is a great way to improve audience engagement.

Real Estate Blogging

Despite the fact that visitors tend to prefer videos over long-form blogs, it’s still a great idea to frequently publish blog posts. Many visitors still enjoy reading blogs and creating blog content is a great way to make use of popular keywords.

Site visitors tend to trust a company when it regularly publishes helpful information about topics related to the industry at hand, in this case, real estate. Feel free to get creative with the subjects of each blog post, so long as the posts are still related to the real estate industry.

Real Estate SEO Tips Based on Location

Location is an important factor to consider when working as a real estate investor. Businesses need to be able to ensure they’re visible and accessible to their target demographic. While each aspect of search engine optimization will improve local visibility, there is an additional step to take that will very likely result in a company gaining more organic traffic and therefore, more local clients.

Register with Business Directories

If a real estate investor wants to gain organic traffic from a specific location, it’s crucial to improve visibility in the area of their choosing. For example, if a company is based in Kansas City, it’s important to take the steps needed in order to achieve a high search engine ranking for searches that take place in Kansas City.

To improve brand visibility in a given area, it’s a good idea to register with real estate business directories in a given locality. Investors should take time to research legitimate business directories in a chosen location and reach out to register with the directories’ business listings. This way, when potential clients are searching for help in their area, the directory may very well point the individual in the right direction.

In order to succeed as a real estate investor in a competitive industry, properly optimizing web content for search engines is a necessary step to take along the way. Each piece of content should be engaging and useful to site visitors. Additionally, proper SEO content will increase brand visibility and as such, help investors gain a steady stream of clients. Though it can be challenging to perfect SEO strategies, doing so is a requirement when it comes to business success.

Fortunately, business owners don’t have to develop their SEO strategies alone. At Think Big Marketing, we have a team of SEO experts that can’t wait to help business owners improve their SEO practices and increase traffic to their sites. Feel free to reach out to us at any time.




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