December 1, 2017 /
Mike /

Social Remarketing with Facebook

Is your business remarketing on Facebook? Statistics suggest that it should be:

  1. More than 2 billion people, equivalent to 27% of the world population, visit Facebook monthly, according to BI Intelligence Social Media Demographics Report.
  2. The report also notes: “67% of Internet users in the U.S. are on Facebook. In European markets, penetration is even higher (82% in the U.K.).”
  3. In the US, 73% of the country’s internet users with incomes exceeding $75,000 use Facebook.
  4. Facebook remarketing ads get three times the engagement than regular Facebook ads, according to Wordstream’s post, “The Ridiculously Awesome Guide to Facebook Remarketing.”

What is Social Remarketing on Facebook?

Social remarketing, or retargeting, shows your targeted ads to people that have visited your business’ website or mobile app. Facebook’s platform does an especially good job of helping you meet your remarketing goals by allowing your business to remarket to people with similar interests. That sets it apart from other remarketing tools.

Why Your Business Needs Facebook’s Social Remarketing

Aside from Facebook’s enormous audience and 300% engagement on remarketed ads, as compared to regular Facebook ads, Facebook social remarketing offers your businesses some important advantages over many other types of marketing schemes.

Facebook Knows Who Wants Your Offerings

Facebook knows each of its two billion-plus user audience better than most of us know our coworkers. Its ad targeting options allow your business to show your retargeted ads to users that meet your criteria for:

  • age,
  • education level,
  • ethnic affinity,
  • field of study,
  • gender,
  • generation,
  • home ownership status,
  • home type,
  • home value,
  • household composition,
  • income,
  • net worth,
  • language,
  • location,
  • property size,
  • school,
  • square footage of their home, and
  • the year their home was built.

Could you target ads to your coworkers based upon all of those criteria? Facebook probably can.

Facebook’s Pixel Helps You Understand Your Visitors

Beyond Facebook’s ad targeting criteria, Facebook’s pixel gets you moving on remarketing. You put its pixel on your website or app, and when someone visits, the pixel keeps track of their engagement on the internet.

When you use the pixel, instead of looking at your visitors through a keyhole, Facebook opens the door. Now you can see much more about your visitors. The pixel can tell you if your visitors are …

  • conservatives or liberals,
  • parents or expectant parents,
  • soccer moms or trendy moms,
  • dating or looking,
  • dating the girl next door or the girl across the planet,
  • lifetime sweeties or hand-holding first timers,
  • friends with a newlywed or an anniversary celebrant,
  • long-time residents or new homeowners,
  • politically active or inactive,
  • having a birthday soon,
  • starting a new job, or
  • moving into a new home.

The pixel allows Facebook to put your targeted ads in front of their users who have visited your site. Your business’ image reaches the most interested Facebook users, and you avoid spamming those who might not fit your market.

Facebook’s pixel helps get your ads in front of that customer that read your blog but never made it to your product page. Have you had visitors open a shopping cart, pick out a few items, and then disappear without closing the sale? Facebook can retarget them with a link back to your shopping cart.

Seed Data Identify Lookalike Leads and Customers

Imagine an e-commerce site where most of the nail polish and manicure supplies go to single, female college students from middle-class families. Remarketing keeps these girls buying, targeting them with ads on Facebook. The data from the pixel, on your website, describe the attributes and browsing habits of this seed population, creating a statistically defined persona.

Facebook’s marketers know seed data can help find other single, female college students from middle-class families who may like your products. They use the data to target them with your ads. These “lookalikes,” make for high-probability leads and customers.

Social Proof of Your Popularity

E-commerce retailer, Moosejaw Mountaineering, understands the social proof. Along with Facebook posting pitches for its products, it posts fun, entertaining invitations to participate in its community.

On one such post, entitled, “This guy loved showing off his heel clicks,” Moosejaw invited its page followers to Photoshop the heel-clicker to make fun new images. Contestants put the heel-clicker on a bull, a tiger, a shark, a hotdog, and other funny objects.

Offering the winner t-shirt, the post keeps contestants and other viewers moving between the post and the website, while the pixel will track them. Facebook users and search engines both see this as “social proof” of your popularity. That means more data for your pixel, organic traffic for PageRank, and a more visibility for your brand.

Engagement-Ready Visitors for Higher Return on Investment

Facebook remarketing targets stronger prospects for conversion, compared to regular ads. Retargeted ads appear in front of high probability leads, including people who …

  • know your brand,
  • like your products,
  • opened your shopping cart or
  • registered on your page.

Such visitors are ready to engage with your site. They may be ready to buy when they come back. Each retargeted customer has a higher probability of conversion than visitors coming in cold from a regular ad. That means that you convert more visitors per advertising dollar, boosting your return on investment (ROI).


Facebook remarketing gets you in front of the best fits for your business. Remarketed customers already know your brand and offerings; they visit your site prepared to engage with your calls-to-action.

Facebook’s gigantic population and user database broaden your market by using its retargeting data, from the pixel, to find lookalikes. Lookalike visitors, statistically, make high-probability leads and, eventually, customers. Stay competitive by remarketing with Facebook’s pixel on your website.