March 15, 2018 /
Brad D /

How a Shopify SEO Expert Can Give You the Edge You Need

If you have a Shopify website that looks great but has had little traffic and fewer conversions, a Shopify SEO Expert can help you get traffic flowing to your website. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, makes your website rank better on search engines like Google and Bing. It focuses on ranking factors that search engines use to evaluate your website. If your SEO Shopify web pages are optimized correctly, they will rank higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), like this one:

Shopify SEO Expert - Rank For Your Niche

You, more than anyone, know how competitive the eCommerce market has become. According to Shopify Partners, citing statistics from Statista,

“The growth of global e-commerce is mind-boggling. In 2017 it reached around $2.3 trillion and is expected to hit $4.5 trillion in 2021. In the US alone, e-commerce represents almost 10 percent of retail sales — a figure that is growing by nearly 15 percent each year.”

SEO Shopify - Global Retail Ecommerce Sales

A Shopify SEO expert can show you how to beat the competition by bringing in more traffic and more qualified visitors. In addition, you’ll see your website convert more site visitors to leads and leads to customers. A professional can tailor a plan to optimize your SEO Shopify pages to meet your business’ specific needs.

When you look for someone to optimize your SEO Shopify pages on your eCommerce site, you want to make sure that you find a Shopify SEO expert that has a reputation for coming through on a results-oriented approach that will raise your Google rankings. Look for an SEO pro with a proven record of boosting site traffic and increasing the number of engaged customers. You’ll want an expert in converting online users into engaged visitors on your website so that they soon become purchasing customers.

An Expert Will SEO Shopify on Your Website

Shopify has its own brand of results-focused SEO strategies. Logically, a Shopify SEO expert will know how to SEO Shopify on your website to help your eCommerce store rank locally or nationally. Your website can benefit from the application of demographic data to target the specific region, socio-economic group, or interest niche suited to your business specialties.

Once your SEO targets a specific niche group, proper Shopify SEO techniques can further increase the conversion rate of leads to new customers. For example, an SEO consultant will know how to set up Enhanced E-commerce on Google Analytics to understand how visitors interact with your products or services throughout their visit to your website. The resulting increase in traffic and conversion of leads clicking through your conversion funnel can increase your page rankings and, hence, their position on the SERP.

Shopify SEO Expert - Google Analytics Ecommerce

Tools a Shopify SEO Expert Uses to Boost Your Traffic and Conversions

Experienced Shopify SEO experts arm their clients with SEO tools to increase their organic traffic. By focusing on organic SEO, a consultant specializing in Shopify SEO can help your business build an online presence. Depending on your business needs, a Shopify SEO consultant may use one or more of the following SEO types:

White-Hat Organic SEO

Wordstream said that White-Hat SEO,

“refers to SEO tactics that are in line with the terms and conditions of the major search engines, including Google… White hat SEO is the opposite of Black Hat SEO. Generally, white hat SEO refers to any practice that improves your search rankings on a search engine results page (SERP) while maintaining the integrity of your website and staying within the search engines’ terms of service.”

That’s exactly what a trustworthy SEO expert will hand over to you, and those white-hat organic SEO techniques may concentrate on …

  • earning links
  • content creation
  • keyword research
  • title tag optimization
  • meta description creation
  • website structure strategies

Local SEO

If you’re a vendor on the Market Square Farmers Market in Downtown Pittsburgh, you don’t want to spend your time, money, and effort trying to sell fruit and vegetables to consumers across the state in Philadelphia. Your mainstay comes from Pittsburghers, and that’s where a Shopify SEO expert will target your local market.

If you rely on a local customer base, you need to get all your important data online. That includes things like

  • your physical address
  • business telephone number
  • business hours
  • client reviews
  • Images
  • website address

An expert’s knowledge of local SEO will get your business on Google Maps so that people searching on desktops can find you from their homes and offices. Also, Tuesday shoppers at the Pittsburgh Farmers Market will see your business on their mobile phones.

WordPress SEO

If your business manages its online content with WordPress, you know how powerful it is for developing blogs, e-commerce sites, and company websites. Your consultant can help you develop search engine optimization strategies, using WordPress, to help you maximize traffic and increase conversions. You can easily monitor much of this activity on WordPress itself.

SEO Shopify - WordPress Data Chart Tracking and Monitoring

Negative SEO

If the competition has made a campaign to damage your reputation, or if someone has attacked your eCommerce site with low-quality links, a Shopify SEO expert will know how to salvage your reputation.

An SEO Expert May Work with Your Team in Several Ways

How do you think that your business would best benefit from working with an SEO expert? You know that you need to attract targeted, organic, converting traffic to give your business the competitive edge. You might hire an SEO expert to do all the Shopify SEO work for you, giving you the freedom to continue focusing on your work, while your consultant works on properly optimizing the site with …

  • on-page optimization
  • link building
  • competitor analysis
  • keyword research

SEO Training

If you would rather have your own staff take care of the Shopify SEO for your business website, you may prefer to work have an SEO consultant work with your team to train them. An experienced SEO trainer can work across departments within your business. Your content team can learn content optimization techniques, while your developers learn how to work on the back end.

A Shopify SEO expert will help your business get in front of the right people, using tools like website audits and keyword research. You’ll benefit by having an industry-specific SEO Shopify campaign designed specifically for you eCommerce niche. With that campaign, you’ll have the edge you need to get ahead of the competition.