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Why You Need to Use Meta Keywords SEO for Your Website

Concentrating on meta keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) might provide the key to driving sustainable, long-lasting organic traffic from internet search engines to your website. Unless your profession depends entirely upon referrals, your website or blog must attract enough qualified visitors to justify its cost.

Advertising can eat into your business’ margin. Using an SEO keyword strategy to drive organic search engine traffic to your site, on the other hand, can help grow your business with a minimal investment. By using meta keywords SEO for your website, you take advantage of a huge growing market, boost return on investment (ROI), and satisfy search engines and site visitors. A good strategy uses user-friendly tools and costs your business little time and effort.

Meta Keywords SEO Reaches a Huge Market

Your eCommerce or other internet-based business cannot afford to put off meta keywords SEO. The worldwide retail ecommerce market has grown spectacularly in the last decade. During 2017, sales rose 23.2% to $2.290 trillion, according to the market research company, eMarketer. Its 2016–2021 worldwide retail and eCommerce sales estimates suggest that the trend has only begun. It projects that by 2021, digital buyers will increase yet another 40% from their 2016 numbers.

eMarketer reports that eCommerce sales, during 2017, “will account for one-tenth of total retail sales worldwide [and that they … ] will increase at four times the rate of retail sales this year, jumping 23.2% to $2.290 trillion. Ecommerce sales growth will stay in the double digits throughout the forecast period.

Meta Keywords SEO and High Return on Investment

To grasp how meta keywords SEO can give you a high ROI, you need to understand just a little bit about meta tags. Your SEO keyword strategy focuses on two key meta tags, on each of your site’s web pages: the meta title and meta description.

A third meta tag, the meta keyword, has less impact on web page rank because large volume search engines, like Google, give it little if any, weight in their search algorithms, according to the pay-per-click advertising company, Wordstream.

A meta keywords SEO strategy requires you to concentrate on only two meta tags: the meta title and the meta description. These two tags respectively require maximum character strings of 70 and 156 characters. Can you afford to add 226 characters to each of your website’s pages? How much time and effort would that require?

Neil Patel suggests not spending more than a few minutes on putting together both your title tag and the meta description. Unless you run Amazon or Walmart’s websites, you can probably afford to spend a few minutes on each of your website’s pages. If you cannot afford the time yourself, you can likely hire an affordable SEO expert to do the work for you.

Of course, the return on investment (ROI) will depend upon your product or service, purchase volume, and other factors. Even so, if your retail solutions have enough value to list on a web page, you can probably expect that you will realize a positive ROI on a 226 character investment over a reasonable amount of time.

The Right Tools Make Meta Keywords SEO a Snap

If lack of experience with source code or even general computer literacy has been your excuse to avoid implementing an SEO keyword strategy, you need to look for a new excuse. Modern content management systems (CMS), like WordPress, and their plugins, like Yoast, make meta keyword SEO so easy that a new user may never even know that source code exists.

Your SEO or marketing consultant can do the work or show you, in just a short session, how to get started. If you use a CMS other than WordPress, that’s no problem either. The SEO keyword strategy has become such a vital component of online marketing and web page development that any CMS will have built-in or accessory tools to help you add meta titles and meta descriptions to all of your web pages and blog posts.

Meta Keywords SEO Practices Teach Writing Skills

As search engines have evolved, they have become better at reading written web content. For example, Google’s Penguin, Hummingbird, and RankBrain algorithm updates have all contributed to the search engine’s ability to read and interpret entire strings of text, according to Hubspot’s Jeffrey Vocel.

WordPress tools like the Yoast plugin, for example, help marketers improve their writing skills while they compose meta titles and meta descriptions. Yoast uses the Flesch Reading Ease Test and an intuitive traffic light indicator system to complement its SEO rule enforcement protocols. It encourages users to improve their writing to get a “green light” on the readability and SEO of written content. Say, “goodbye,” to the bad spelling and grammar excuse if you use this plugin.

Similarly, Hubspot, which focuses on inbound marketing, teaches its users to attract “… customers through relevant and helpful content.” It trains its customers to become better writers through improved copywriting and meta keyword SEO videos and blog posts. It uses a very different means to achieve an end similar to that of Yoast’s meta keywords writing solution.

Meta Keywords SEO Satisfies Machines and Customers

As search engines improve, a meta keyword SEO strategy will not only help search engines direct qualified clients to your website, but it will help you improve the content quality, in terms of interest and readability. No one will buy great products and services if they never see them.

Meta keywords SEO will help improve your web page rank on the SERP and improve your content quality at the same time. You will likely find that as your website SEO improves, so will your own focus and understanding of your products, services, and clients. It’s definitely worth a few minutes a page.

Brad D

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