June 4, 2018 /
Brad D /
Facebook Pixel Events with the Facebook Pixel Helper

If you have set up your Facebook Pixel and want to learn how to monitor Facebook Pixel Events, you need to learn to track conversions.

[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faq9h7yctfb8″ html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”What Is Facebook Pixel Helper?” img_alt=”” css_class=”” ]The Facebook Pixel Helper, a troubleshooting tool, helps you verify that your pixel is working correctly, check for errors, and understand your pixel data by helping you by monitoring specific actions on your website. For example you can monitor events like customers making purchase, as a result of having found your ad.[/sc_fs_faq]

Set Up Your Pixel, Chrome Browser, and Pixel Helper

First of all, of course, you have to have created and added your pixel on your business website. Once it’s up, you’ll need to add the Facebook Pixel Helper to your Chrome Browser.

If you don’t have a Chrome browser, get started by downloading and adding the Chrome Browser to your device. It’s a pretty easy process, and Google guides you right through it.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Install Google Chrome Browser

From there, you’ll go to the Chrome Store and add the Facebook Pixel Helper extension to your Chrome browser. Once you have added the Pixel Helper, you’ll see “Added to Chrome” on the green button you used to install the extension.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Install Facebook Pixel Helper

When you visit any page that contains a Facebook Pixel, the Pixel Helper will tell you that it’s there by displaying in number in a tiny green box. Like in the case of this Pixel Helper that the red arrow points toward.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Use Facebook Pixel Helper

You can use the Facebook Pixel Helper to see if your Facebook Pixel has been properly installed on your website. If your pixel’s working, it will look like this:

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Facebook Pixel Installed

It will tell you that it found a pixel on the webpage. Also note that it has a link to “View Analytics.” There you can learn about activity on your website. If you click on the link, it will look something like this:

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Tracking Analytics

In the menu to the left, you can see “Events and Properties.” There you can learn about your site visitor behavior, based upon how they triggered events. If you have set up events, you can follow the link to the Events and Properties page.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Events and Properties

Clicking on any of the events takes you to analytics for that specific event. Like this:

Using the Facebook Pixel Helper - Specific Pixel Event Tracking

The Facebook Pixel Helper Monitors Facebook Events

By using the Facebook Pixel View Analytics link, you can monitor Facebook Pixel Events for your business website. Facebook suggests that you use Facebook Pixel Events and track conversions to meet three objectives on your site:

  1. boost your posts,
  2. send people to your website, and
  3. increase the conversions on your website.

So, to set up Facebook Events, you’ll go to your Facebook Business Manager, login, and then, from the Business Manager menu, click on the Events Manager.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Facebook Events Manager

From there, you’ll want to head over to the Custom Conversions Tab. If you already have events, it will look like this.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Custom Conversions

If you’re creating your first event, it will look like this:

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Add a Custom Conversion

You can learn more about custom events and getting them set up on our posts, “8 Tips for Using a Facebook Retargeting Pixel & Facebook Pixel” and “9 Facebook Pixel Tips for Business – Start Building Your Brand

Monitoring Facebook Pixel Events

Monitoring Pixel Events can help you increase conversions on your website. For example, if you have, as a goal for your site, to register visitors, you can choose the “complete registration” parameter when you’re creating your custom conversion. You’ll see the “complete registration” parameter when you open the drop-down menu on the “Create a Custom Conversion” pop-out window.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Create a Custom Conversion

As you can see, you can choose parameters including “add payment information,” “add to cart,” “add to wishlist,” “complete registration,” “initiate checkout,” “lead,” “purchase,” “search, and “view content.” These parameters, or “categories,” as they’re labeled on the menu, help you indicate which type of conversion you’d like to monitor on your website. You can, for example, optimize for sales, choosing “purchase” as your conversion event on the website conversion categories.

Even though you may select a single conversion for your campaign, the Facebook pixel keeps on tracking all the different types of conversions. So you have the data of there if you need it in the future.

Once you have set up your campaign, let it run, and within a few hours you can see your conversion results. You will be able to check your website traffic data by clicking on the Pixel Helper and choosing, “View Analytics.”

Checking your Website’s Ad Success with Conversion Tracking

The Facebook ads manager will show you the number of conversions that occurred on your Facebook ads. To see them you can go to the ads manager once you’re in the ads manager click on campaign folder from there you’ll go to add sets or ads depending upon whether you’re looking at a set of ads or a single ad.

How To Monitor Facebook Pixel Events - Conversion Tracking

From there you’ll want to check the column’s drop down menu, and you can customize the columns to check and check which of the the actions matter most to you. You’ll see checkboxes to select them. Columns include options like website purchases or cost for website purchase these are good variables to use if you’re looking to increase sales.

Monitoring Cross-Device Use

As you know, Facebook users move from device to device. Many have a mobile device and a laptop or a PC or Mac. Using the information from Facebook ads you can determine how people are behaving with respect to using their different devices and whether conversions are occurring across different apps and the website.

You may find that a customer found an item on a desktop, and later returned to purchase it on the mobile phone. Perhaps he or she was in the office at the time here she found the item and didn’t want to spend the time there making the purchase, but decided that it was a good purchase and made it once he or she got home. That information is useful because it will tell you that you need to optimize for users finding items on your desktop browser site in purchasing them the mobile app.

When monitoring cross-bite device reporting Facebook advises to quote keep in mind the default attribution window is one day after viewing your ad and 28 days after clicking it. Facebook has, as it says deep duped conversions, and you can see how Facebook calculate specific conversion data on its website. That will help you adjust the attribution window in the reports that you generate from Facebook business. You can learn more about this on Facebook’s attribution and attribution Windows websites

That’s just the tip of the Facebook Pixel Helper and learning how to monitor Facebook Pixel Events. Give it a try, and you’ll find that Facebook has made its use and implementation pretty intuitive. They have easy to follow menus and plenty of help guides. Get started to today to make better use of Facebook ads for your website.