June 3, 2020 /
Bryan D /


If you sell stuff on the internet, then you’re probably intimately familiar with signing up for paid advertisements. Facebook, Google, and plenty of other outlets have likely seen their fair share of your banner ads and flash sales. 

And don’t get us wrong, paid advertising is great, but it’s only half of your marketing story. If you run an E-commerce site, you need a customized SEO strategy. Plenty of the 3.5 billion Google searches that go through every day are people looking for your products, and you need to make sure they find you. 


“SEO is too slow” 

This is a common reason why some companies shy away from SEO practices when SEO is the very thing their business needs the most. SEO is a long term strategy, and unlike straightforward ads that get immediate results, an SEO campaign can be a much slower burn. 

And that’s a good thing. 

In the digital age, we’ve come to value immediacy, often at the expense of longevity. Unlike paid advertising, which sees immediate, measurable results, an SEO strategy can take some time to really get going. The tradeoff is that SEO is scalable over time. Every piece of organic marketing you create is even stronger because of all the work that came before it.


“SEO is too complicated”

Successfully wrangling your SEO needs can seem like an insurmountable task. You’ve got to research keywords, create content, build links and make sure your website is up to snuff. No wonder it’s easier for so many companies to write off SEO entirely and opt instead for the safety of old fashioned advertisements. 

But like anything that takes time, you’ll find that SEO and organic marketing can be more satisfying and ultimately healthier for your bottom line. 


“SEO is a big business thing”

Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, small businesses need SEO even more than their larger competitors. A carefully-formulated SEO strategy can be used to secure your foothold in local rankings or help you dominate a specific niche. 


Remember, with SEO, it’s not always a direct competition between competitors. There’s room to carve out your own corner of dedicated internet traffic. 


If SEO hasn’t been a part of your marketing plan yet, then you’re sailing with half a ship. It might seem like slow going at first, but investing with SEO is what’s going to get your E-commerce site to the top page of Google, and in today’s world, that basically makes you king.