If you already use Facebook ads, these Facebook Pixel for Business Tips can get you on the way to start building your brand. If you want to use the pixel, Facebook provides you a code that is unique for you or your business. With just a few Facebook pixel tips you track your conversions from Facebook ads.
In addition the pixel helps you improve your ads using the data it collects. This data helps you focus your ads by targeting a specific audience, and it helps you retarget qualified leads. Qualified leads, in terms of retargeting with the pixel, refer to people who have already been on your website and have taken some kind of action there.
Here are a few Facebook Pixel for business tips to help you build your brand and increase conversions on your website:
Tip #1: Create Your Facebook Pixel
Until you have added it to your website, none of the rest of these items will be of use to you. You can learn how to create your Facebook pixel and add it to your website on Facebook’s Facebook pixel page. To set it up, just go to the Facebook Ads Manager Page, register your business, and in the Business Manager menu, look in the third column, for the “Pixels” link.
Clicking there will take you to the “Create a Facebook Pixel” page. Once you have added your pixel you’ll need to confirm that it’s working. You can do that on Facebook page. Just click on the green, “Create a Pixel” button, and Facebook will lead you through the process.
Tip #2. Use the Pixel to Track Conversions from Facebook Ads
The Facebook pixel provides you with information about people who enter your business website from a Facebook ad and spend time on your site. That information gives you the advantage of knowing where the traffic came from. In addition to tracking the individual, pixel can tell you if the visitor changes from one device to another. That helps you better understand the users’ behavior on your website.
If someone has already been to your website, you know that makes them more likely to visit it again to see your products or services. The Facebook Pixel can help you find the people who have visited your site and market specifically to them.
Tip #3. Learn About Visitor Device Use
Knowing about your site user behavior, relative to which device they use tells you useful information. For example, some clients may pick up your ads on their cell phone and then go back to your ad when they’re using their laptop or desktop. Knowing this information can help you design better ads and improve your return on investment (ROI).
Tip #4: Help Customers Return to Abandoned Carts and Wish Lists
For E-commerce business owners, this is one of the most important Facebook Pixel tips. Most E-commerce business owners don’t know how many site users abandon carts and never come back. The pixel can locate those individuals and target item-specific ads to them. For example if your website sells camping equipment and a customer selected The North Face Mountain 25 Tent, but never finished the order, you can target that customer with an ad linking back to their basket, showing the exact make and model of the tent in the ad.
Likewise you can take advantage of items in customers’ wish lists’ and target Facebook ads to those items. Wish lists often contain items that the customer likes and may be thinking about purchasing, and targeting ads to them can facilitate the purchase when they become ready.
Tip #5: Use the Pixel to Market to Look-Alike Audiences
Another of the most useful Facebook Pixel tips is that the Facebook pixel can help you find an audience similar to your existing customers. It calls these populations of Internet users “lookalike“ audiences.
As you know, Facebook knows a lot about you. Likewise it knows a lot about other Facebook users, your customers, and who has similar interests, demographic characteristics, and tastes. The pixel can provide you information this information in a way that allows you to find other people with similar characteristics.
Tip #6: Facebook Pixel Helps Create Effective Ad Campaigns
The Facebook pixel with the data it collects can help improve the quality of the ads you create in Facebook. It can also improve the quality of the Facebook users, in terms of their potential as customers for your business, and increase the number of conversions you receive from Facebook ads. The Facebook pixel can help you understand which ads have been most effective with Facebook users, and that information helps you improve your ads in Facebook’s Creative Hub.
Tip #7: Use Pre-Configured Events
One of the most powerful Facebook Pixel tips is to take advantage of Facebook’s nine different types of Facebook pixel events. These pre-configured responses make it easy for you understand what’s going on on your website. They include
- viewing content
- searching
- adding to your shopping cart
- adding to a wish list
- initiating a check out
- adding payment information
- making a purchase
- converting a visitor into a lead, and
- completing registration.
By tracking these events, you can learn about site visitor behaviors, and you can target specific ads to those who triggered the events on your website. You can configure yours in the Events Manager’s Custom Conversions link:
Tip #8: Create Your Own Custom Conversions
Aside from Facebook’s easy-to-use pre-configured events, you can create and track your own custom conversions, by using the pixel. They work like the nine standard events, but they allow you to collect more details than the standard event.
Facebook custom conversions focus on specific URLs or URL keywords. This helps you track specific merchandise, like tents in general, or the The North Face Mountain 25 Tent. It all depends on how you configure the custom conversion words.
This allows you, for example, to target customers based upon whether they were looking at
- your catalogue, in general;
- at tents in your catalogue;
- at tents for mountain climbers in your catalogue, or
- at just The North Face Mountain 25 Tent product page in your catalogue.
If a visitor triggers only events three or four, you want to market to them very different from someone searching for tents (two) other merchandise (one), in general. Those who visit pages triggering events three or four are looking for high-end, highly specialized gear, while those who hit one and two have a much less specific focus.
Tip #9: Use Facebook’s Parameters for Custom Conversions
By clicking on the create custom conversion link, on the custom conversions page, you can set up specific conversion events and URL rules. This allows you to decide what rules you want to use to help you track specific custom events. You can set up rules that are very detailed. Facebook refers to these rules as parameters.
It uses parameters to customize standard events by the value of the conversion that you select. For example, a purchase means a lot more to your business than a lead clicking on a button to receive a free PDF. You can configure the Facebook pixel to take that into account.
You can also configure the parameter for your product name the category into which it falls. You can configure the parameter to classify customers who have added items to their shopping cart.
It can even classify them by the number of items they added to their cart. Of course big shoppers mean big sales, and that information is important to your business. For example referring back to the tents, you certainly want to market differently to clients who search for “tents for families,” as opposed to “tents for sub-zero camping.”
Another parameter that you can configure in the Facebook pixel standard event, is the status of your site visitors registration. Is the visitor already registered on your site? If so, you don’t want to waste Facebook add money on sending adds to your registration landing page. Rather you’d want to advertise sales, or specific items that you know that clients interested in.
Get Started Using These Facebook Pixel Tips
It’s time to get your Facebook ads generating leads and customers, and these Facebook Pixel for Business Tips can get your business’ brand moving. These Facebook pixel tips are just the beginning to tracking your conversions from Facebook ads.